St. Jude children’s Research Hospital won’t stop until no child dies from Cancer.
94.5 XKR is proud to support the St. Jude Mission. Join us this December 7th and 8th for St. Jude Rocks Kids Radiothon.
Become a St. Jude Partner in Hope and help kids at St. Jude fight Cancer by pledging just $19 a month. Put your gift on a credit card, and you will receive the This Shirt Saves Lives T-Shirt. Music MUSICGIVES.ORG #ThisShirtSavesLives

When St. Jude opened in 1962, childhood cancer was considered incurable. Since then,
St. Jude has helped push the overall survival rate from 20% to more than 80%, and we
won’t stop until no child dies from cancer.

Every child deserves a chance to live their best life and celebrate every moment. When
you support St. Jude, you help give kids with cancer around the world that chance.
Together, we can save more lives.